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Ojai Olive Oil 375ml

Andalucian: This year’s Andalucian extra virgin olive oil is crafted from a blend of Lechin de Sevilla, Hojiblanca, Koroneiki & Arbequina olives. 

Tuscan Herbs: Oil extracted from Artichoke Garlic, Tuscan Blue Rosemary, Sweet Basil, Italian Oregano & French Thyme are all infused into our Tuscan extra virgin olive oil to create the complex and perfectly balanced taste of our Tuscan Herbs Infused Olive Oil. 

Provencale: This year’s Provençale extra virgin olive oil is crafted from a blend of Columella, Nocellara del Belice, Picholene, Arbosana & Cailletier olives. 

Ojai Pixie: Oil extracted from Ojai Pixie Tangerines is infused into our Provençale extra virgin olive oil to create the delightfully sweet & tangy taste of our Ojai Pixie Infused Olive Oil. 

Signature: This year’s Signature extra virgin olive oil is a special mono-varietal bottling of oil only from Columella olives.

Certified 100% Organic by Organic Certifiers Inc. Vegan, Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free, Paleo & Kosher